Oobabooga api documentation example

Oobabooga api documentation example. env file is loaded before the openai module is imported: from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv () # make sure the environment variables are set before import import openai Apr 12, 2023 · A tutorial on how to make your own AI chatbot with consistent character personality and interactive selfie image generations using Oobabooga and Stable Diffu Extensions may use additional ports - check the application documentation for more details. Aug 14, 2023 · This guide walks you through making calls using the instruct method with the Oobabooga Api, passing on the instruction, username, and prompt to the main loop. Run the server for oobabooga - run the api_example_chat_stream. Project. share" in launch() function replace "share=shared. Below is an instruction that describes a task. CMD_FLAGS = '--chat --api'. Add --api to your command-line flags. --api-key API_KEY: API authentication key. Place your . You can override any generation_config by passing the parameters and their values directly to the generate method: >>> my_model. We are using the OpenAI implementation of the API endpoint. 4. Now you can give Internet access to your characters, easily, quickly and free. multimodal: Adds multimodality support (text+images). ### Instruction: Describe in three sentences how a pink rabbit could fly. 0-GPTQ", messages = oobabooga/text-generation-webui. py to add the --listen flag. com/repos/oobabooga/AI-Notebooks/contents/?per_page=100&ref=main CustomError: Could not find API-notebook Apr 30, 2023 · punchewwastakenon Jun 13, 2023. An open source agent that uses Oobabooga's api for requests. You signed out in another tab or window. help using the oobabooga API. env May 3, 2023 · I have a Oobabooga 1. Method #2 – Using The OobaBooga JSON Character Creator. response = completion (model = "oobabooga/WizardCoder-Python-7B-V1. --api-port API_PORT: The listening port for the API. Suggest using the free version of postman character_bias No documentation no clue what this is elevenlabs_tts example No documentation, what is it an example of? gallery No documentation no clue what this is google_translate The API got broken very recently with the addition of the is typing message. zip' The non-stream mode one works fine. py and hit ctrl + f to look for "share=shared. Dec 11, 2023 · embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(base_url=apiUrl,api_key=openai_api_key) text = "Algoritma is a data science school based in Indonesia and Supertype is a data science consultancy with a distributed team of data and analytics engineers. Okay, I go to the web side and select a model, done. png to the folder. You can also fork this sandbox and keep building it using our online code editor for React May 23, 2023 · To see all available qualifiers, see our documentation. Since it follows a widely adopted schema, your scripts will be more future-proof and will work with minor or no changes with other projects, for Im trying do an API call using the api-example. Connect to the Oobabooga Api and define the needed libraries. 6. ; To listen on your local network, add the --listen flag. Oobabooga Text Web API Tutorial; Gradio Chatbot + LiteLLM Tutorial; CodeLlama - Code Infilling; Llama2 - Huggingface Tutorial; Llama2 Together AI Tutorial; Using Fine-Tuned gpt-3. Other than that, you can edit webui. For a detailed description see README. Hi. KoboldAI for example. Dec 31, 2023 · The instructions can be found here. Find CMD_FLAGS and add --api after --chat. 1kHz sample rate at 64kbps. append ( [user_input, received_message]) I'm not sure if this helped, but I noticed python was storing text with single quotes sometimes. Keep it verbatim except for the instruction itself. py --auto-devices --chat" In the new oobabooga, you do not edit start_windows. " we have a single paragraph explaining the current method of how to train thing and then multiple paragraphs with coding samples that steal the attention of what you actually want and a single line Oct 21, 2023 · For example, you may wish to just learn a dialogue format (as in the case of Alpaca) in which case setting a low Rank value (32 or lower) works great. If using . 2. 31 by @oobabooga in #5345; Fix logprobs tokens in OpenAI API by @lmg-anon in #5339; Properly handle Images with RGBA color format by @ercanozer in #5332 Mar 8, 2024 · YeiSimon commented 2 weeks ago. For more flags, see this section of the Ooba Readme file Apr 10, 2023 · To define persistent command-line flags like --listen or --api, edit the CMD_FLAGS. to join this conversation on GitHub. py" like "call python server. A large language model (LLM) learns to predict the next word in a sentence by analyzing the patterns and structures in the text it has been trained on. Examples: Provide practical examples demonstrating the use of complex parameters, especially instruction_template and instruction_template_str, to illustrate their Apr 23, 2023 · The easiest way: once the WebUI is running go to Interface Mode, check "listen", and click "Apply and restart the interface". silero_tts: Text-to-speech extension using Silero Mar 17, 2024 · do_sample false when temperature 0 by @StefanDanielSchwarz in #5275; Bump llama-cpp-python to 0. Motivation: documentation isn't great, examples are gnarly, not seeing an existing library. txt file with a text editor and add them there. Mar 30, 2023 · Character name isn't correct, even after picking character in the UI. Generated with ggml-vicuna-13B-1. cpp (GGUF), Llama models. The other instances wouldn't create one, and I found that was because they were trying to use 5000 also. Remember to use the correct pattern for the specific model when constructing the prompt for best results. I'm trying to figure out how the newer Ooba APIs handle data in terms of constructing the actual prompt. Usage. 5-turbo; Deploy & Query Llama2-7B on Sagemaker; Using Text Completion Format - with Completion() Create your first LLM playground; Model Fallbacks w/ LiteLLM A web search extension for Oobabooga's text-generation-webui (now with nouget OCR model support). 1-q4_0. For creating a character you have to have the api send the character information in your message prompt. py, I want to chat with one of my preloaded characters but it doesn't give me character responses. ### Response: Output: This guide shows you how to install Oobabooga’s Text Generation Web UI on your computer. So I thought I could share the code I ended up with, after i was done debugging for May 10, 2023 · Example responses ☑. Supports transformers, GPTQ, AWQ, EXL2, llama. It provides a . json . GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. What this means is you can have a GPU-powered agent run locally! Mar 18, 2023 · edited. Apr 16, 2023 · Raw Gradio API is rough for maintainers, rough for end users, and hard to troubleshoot even for power users. Describe the bug When I am using the API to get responses from the bot, if I already have a few messages, it often returns an empty response. It will be converted to the internal YAML format of the web UI after upload. I think this would be a huge boost for this project. Apr 23, 2023 · The Oobabooga web UI will load in your browser, with Pygmalion as its default model. --admin-key ADMIN_KEY: API authentication key for admin tasks like loading and unloading models. I'll check whether it would be possible to add real API endpoint, but to be honest, so far, gradio is all greek to me. Copy. some uses ### Assistant:, ### Human: , others simply uses Character_name: and You: Apr 20, 2023 · In the old oobabooga, you edit start-webui. com. It runs on CPU, but I just forked it to use Oobabooga's API instead. The response contains three entries; images, parameters, and info, and I have to find some way to get the information from these entries. It sort of works but I feel like I am missing something obvious as there is an API option in the UI for chat mode, but I can't for the life of me get that to work. Screenshot. Put an image called img_bot. If you're interested, it's this line in blocking_api. Define Initial Settings. It might be also worth formalizing the gradio non-streaming api into a base api extension, the Kobold API would become api_kobold so it's clear it's for an outside compatibility API, and api_streaming for people who want the websocket The stable version is already included with your TextGen-webUI. json, add Character. NET interface for both blocking and streaming completion and chat APIs. Q4_K_M. Apr 1, 2023 · Put an image with the same name as your character's JSON file into the characters folder. env. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Already have an account? Oobabooga (LLM webui) A large language model (LLM) learns to predict the next word in a sentence by analyzing the patterns and structures in the text it has been trained on. The Web UI also offers API functionality, allowing integration with Voxta for speech-driven experiences. I start the server by running python server. This extension allows you and your LLM to explore and perform research on the internet together. To create a public Cloudflare URL, add the --public-api flag. i know the general idea of what stop_strings is and what they do, but it seems i couldn't get them to work properly. ; To change the port, which is 5000 by default, use --api-port 1234 (change 1234 to your desired port number). That’s It – All Done! Here is the full OobaBooga guide if you’ve missed out on that! – How To Set Up And Use The OobaBooga TextGen WebUI – Full Tutorial. #5083. Outputs will not be saved. mp3_44100_96 - output format, mp3 with 44. It should look like this. Call your oobabooga model Remember to set your api_base. Jan 15, 2024 · Editing the example pre-set character file is the quickest way to make your own character with its own personality profile in a matter of a few minutes and OobaBooga has a built-in tool for that. The pre_layer setting, according to the Oobabooga github documentation is the number of layers to allocate to the GPU. Answered by michusx on Dec 12, 2023. Or, you might be training on project documentation you want the bot to understand and be able to understand questions about, in which case the higher the rank, the better. This is only cosmetic, and the persistent logs and history will be for the character you select. I am trying to use a language model I access through oobabooga through python so that I can automate certain requests and analyze responses. Jul 2, 2023 · If you try this and you are successful, provide the configs you used and I will add them to the documentation. github. Apr 13, 2023 · How can I use the instruct mode when making requests through the API extension? This is my python code for the API call: import requests import json data = {. The whole process is seamless, and thanks to Vast and Oobabooga, you can run large language models without breaking the bank or needing advanced technical knowledge. *** Multi-LoRA in PEFT is tricky and the current implementation does not work reliably in all cases. com and save the settings in the cookie file;- Run the server with the EdgeGPT extension. 0 replies. " API documentation is a set of human-readable instructions for using and integrating with an API. Customize text generation. I had some trouble finding the API request format, so once I did I thought others might find this useful. Now it says no model is loaded, how do I tell it to load a model at startup, or through the API. 1kHz Model from API. Now, when I send a sample prompt, it basically just repeats the prompt back, whereas when I do it through the web EdgeGPT extension for Text Generation Webui based on EdgeGPT by acheong08. ️. Supported use cases: generate / instruct; chat; streaming instruct; streaming chat; model info; model loading May 25, 2023 · The same reasons why people want to use oobabooga instead of inference. It uses google chrome as the web browser, and optionally, can use nouget's OCR models which can read complex mathematical and scientific equations Jun 9, 2023 · That let me write out the code a bit more simply, just storing history after getting a reply using: history ['internal']. Clicking API in interface mode, then restart. env files to save the OPENAI_API_BASE and OPENAI_API_KEY variables, make sure the . mp3_44100_64 - output format, mp3 with 44. Download oobabooga/llama-tokenizer under "Download model or LoRA". Some of the commonly adjusted parameters Open webui. I'm not a Python dev, so I'm sure there's something better that I just don't know. gguf. 05kHz sample rate at 32kbps. It will contain helpful information. And from there he always gives me empty answers, and I have to start the conversation again. Effective API documentation improves the This example prompt will give you a good template to work from. - 03 ‐ Parameters Tab · oobabooga/text-generation-webui Wiki. Here is the OpenAI API documentation. . They are usually downloaded from Hugging Face. 1kHz sample rate at 96kbps. py --model vicuna-13b-GPTQ-4bit-128g --character {character name} --api --chat. - Home · oobabooga/text-generation-webui Wiki. Apr 13, 2023 · Local UI of oobabooga barely takes any time but if I use TavernAI, it is around 20-30s wait. It's a shame though, I really like this project but I think only solution atm is just to use different thing with TavernAI. example to . With the power of Vast's affordable GPU rentals and the simplicity of Oobabooga's user interface, running large language models has never been easier or more accessible. I saw someone commenting that it is due to some update like week ago but there wasn't any help there either. Aug 2, 2023 · Postman is one of the key tools used to build and test APIs. jpg or Character. As I continue to develop my own projects I will likely update this with more findings. Volumes The provided example docker compose maps several volumes from the local config directory into the container: loras, models, presets, prompts, training, extensions . "prompt": "Below is an instruction that describes a task. mp3_44100_128 - default output format, mp3 with 44. i got the idea that different models have different syntax of prompt. Feb 27, 2023 · It seems like Tavern expects ony two API endpoins in the end. If not set, will be the same as --api-key. list指令查看当前的人设. Hi! I have two doubts about the API, they are simple, but I don't know if they are possible: 1) I have a custom interface I made, and it has multiple inputs, each one with a few pre-defined examples, the problem is that every time I switch from one to the other, the whole prompt has to be processed every time, taking 2 to 3 seconds. ### Human:What is the capital of USA?### Assistant:", Could not find API-notebook. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . def run_model(): Again my hardware is a 3060 and 11800H with 16GB ram. Another oft-cited favorite of developers is the Twilio docs. Here is what the character editor looks like in the OobaBooga WebUI. Detailed Descriptions: Add comprehensive explanations for each parameter, outlining its purpose, expected values, and impact on the API's behavior. If you want to make the API public (for remote servers), replace --api with --public-api. py for local models: Good WebUI, character management, context manipulation, expandability with extensions for things like tex to speech, speech to text, and so on. It'll tell you how the parameters differ. mp3_44100_32 - output format, mp3 with 44. This image will be used as the profile picture for any The Oobabooga Connector is a powerful tool for interacting with the Oobabooga API. bat and add your flags after "call python server. Output format of the generated audio. This enables it to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. If you want it to have a memory you need to create/send a log in the prompt as well. Has anyone gotten it to work, or is this the only real way Feb 19, 2024 · Step 2 – Edit And Save Your New Character. gguf in a subfolder of models/ along with these 3 files: tokenizer. I can write python code (and also some other languages for a web interface), I have read that using LangChain combined with the API that is exposed by oobabooga make it possible to build something that can load a PDF, tokenize it and then send it to oobabooga and make it possible for a loaded model to use the data (and eventually answer Nov 13, 2023 · I recommend migrating to the new API as it has a documentation, proper types for input parameters, more reliable streaming (SSE instead of websockets), and a better syntax for the chat endpoints. sh --listen --listen-port 7861. You can add it to the line that starts with CMD_FLAGS near the top. API Info. generate(**inputs, num_beams= 4, do_sample= True) Even if the default decoding strategy mostly works for your task, you can still tweak a few things. If I fire a post API to the pod like this: curl --request POST \\ - API for Chat. The goal is to be able to collect data by web-scraping into document files, and then feed those documents into a model in Oobabooga, and then to query those documents to get good examples of instructions and queries. Possibly re-work how the chatbot_wrapper generator is being handled. boneless, skinless chicken breasts - 2 cups of chicken broth - 8 oz. You now look for this block of code. Must be one of: mp3_22050_32 - output format, mp3 with 22. Guide uses Llama 2 Chat formatting. yaml, add Character. png into the text-generation-webui folder. Allows you to upload a TavernAI character card. 1kHz sample rate at 32kbps. Models should be placed in the folder text-generation-webui/models. Twilio Docs. /start-linux. 2. Reload to refresh your session. Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues; Reproduction. May 1, 2023 · Here is a simple recipe for chicken noodle soup: Ingredients: - 1 lb. Apr 2, 2023 · You have two options: Put an image with the same name as your character's yaml file into the characters folder. In first colab notebook Clone text-generation-webui and install all requirements I figured that one out, add --extensions api to CMD_FLAGS on line 14 of webui. py, which should be in the root of oobabooga install folder. Copy the . Jun 4, 2023 · thanks for the answer. A quick overview of the basic features: Generate (or hit Enter after typing): This will prompt the bot to respond based on your input. You signed in with another tab or window. Logs. That works fine when not adding the --api on startup. A post on huggingface someone used --pre_layer 35 with a 3070 ti, so it is worth testing different values for your specific hardware. txt" and add --share next to the "--listen --api" Then open server. py. For example, if your bot is Character. py and I wasn't sure if anyone had insight into this or knew where I could find it without Dec 15, 2023 · Creates an API that mimics the OpenAI API and can be used as a drop-in replacement. There are a few different examples of API in one-click-installers-main\text-generation-webui, among them stream, chat and stream-chat API examples. Ooba Booga Dec 5, 2023 · Some additional context: I run multiple instances of webui. Example: text-generation-webui └── models └── llama-2-13b-chat. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. Mar 11, 2023 · on Mar 12, 2023. bat file until it makes the link May get errors in first try Oct 13, 2023 · Suggesting you have Python, Autogen and oobabooga WebUI installed and running fine: Install LiteLLM pip install litellm Install the openai API extension in the oobabooga WebUI In the folder where t Dec 14, 2023 · edited. After the backend does its thing, the API sends the response back in a variable that was assigned above: response. load指令,加载我们想要使用的人设. ipynb in https://api. py controlling this (line 49): An API client for the text generation UI, with sane defaults. Oct 4, 2023 · The Documentation on extensions is missing some of the extensions. 0 or 3. mentioned this issue. For step-by-step instructions, see the attached video tutorial. Downloading models. py inside of [Oobabooga Folder]/text-generation-webui with a code editor or Notepad. Check SWAGER UI webpage for your instance of OpenAPI running at: Contact: (for offers and partnerships): oobabooga4@gmail. Marked as answer. GGUF models are a single file and should be placed directly into models. Logs May 9, 2023 · "Generation Parameter Preset", set the "Mode" to "Chat", as well as the change the "Character" with the api extension Dec 12, 2023 · I was using the base API to load model through API, but it has been removed and I couldn't find any example out there to load model using the new Openai API. 在插件文件夹内,将会创建一个新的历史记录 Jun 11, 2023 · Langchain example for oobabooga API. The first run does create the 5000 port. In particular we're trying to use the api-example-chat-stream. Also, Postman will highlight constraints, including minimum and maximum values. Conclusion. How to run (detailed instructions in the repo):- Clone the repo;- Install Cookie Editor for Microsoft Edge, copy the cookies from bing. 然后我们使用oob. 5, which is tailored to be a chatbot model, has an API where you can define context and add "personality" to it, and characters from the Ooba gui follow the Apr 21, 2023 · It needs to be compatible with the OPENAI API because we want to use it instead of OPENAI. Many use payd OPENAI and looking for a way to run a free alternative locally. christopherquenneville opened this issue on Dec 25, 2023 · 2 comments. In a large pot, bring the chicken broth to a boil. jpg or img_bot. API documentation includes detailed information about an API's available endpoints, methods, resources, authentication protocols, parameters, and headers, as well as examples of common requests and responses. Running the API example for the stream mode I get the following error: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'softprompts/What I would like to say is the following: . Regenerate: This will cause the bot to mulligan its last output, and generate a new one based on your input. I wanted to create an api for each instance. bin (CPU) Jun 17, 2023 · Description It took me a while to learn how conversations are processed in oobabooga and its API, since I couldn't find a good example on it on the web. Flags can also be provided directly to the start scripts, for instance, . A Gradio web UI for Large Language Models. 0, it will automatically generate documentation from the template, containing methods, requests/response bodies, examples, and parameters. I am trying to use this pod as a Pygmalion REST API backend for a chat frontend. Method #3 – Using The Online AI Character Editor. ️ 2. OpenAI API documentation. Now instead of returning the prompt result, all we get is is typing in the response datas: { &quot;data&quot;: [ [[&quot Oct 21, 2023 · A Gradio web UI for Large Language Models. api Little documentation, just examples. Nov 19, 2023 · Starting the API. import os. That's a default Llama tokenizer. args. env cp . (trying to get the bots back online after the latest changes to the new API, openai ext) I'm seeing some differences in the model outputs, maybe some settings have changed behind the scenes that alters their pre-prompt. Apr 22, 2023 · Yes, the title of the thread is a question since I did not know for sure this feature was possible, it seems it isn't, so I think it's valid to have a discussion about this as this would be a very important feature to have as even GPT3. bat but edit webui. Run the program in Chat mode and click on the API button at the bottom of the page. Hey all, I just stumbled across this which is an open-source locally run autonomous agent like AgentGPT. Answer selected by Luftkrieg. Is there parameter I have to pass in the request to specify my character? The instructions can be found here. 29 by @oobabooga in #5307; Bump llama-cpp-python to 0. If you stick to OpenAPI 2. Talk, listen, have a database, be able to read complex scientific literature. json , and special_tokens_map. Load it in the --chat mode with --extension sd_api_pictures alongside send_pictures (it's not really required, but completes the picture, pun intended). - 06 ‐ Session Tab · oobabooga/text-generation-webui Wiki . Hey :) Been using Ooba as textgen backend for running several discord bots for a long time, loving it <3. However, Twilio’s API documentation feels a little easier on the eyes, with a well-chosen font and bright, contrasting links. of spaghetti noodles - Salt and pepper to taste Instructions: 1. I would ideally use this method to create a Lora training dataset easily, with by just having to manually check the data and make Oct 9, 2023 · I managed to run the API on one colab notebook and use it in another colab notebook using these steps. 0. I hacked together way to parse 2nd information in rather ugly way. share" to "share=True" and there you have it Keep relaunching the start_windows. append ( [user_input, received_message]) history ['visible']. 1. You can find it in the “Parameters” -> “Character” tab. In the CMD: ERROR: May 2, 2023 · The API also has /api/v1/token-count endpoint where you can send the prompt to count tokens with the correct tokenizer without loading it in your code. Webui with OPENAI compatible API would be such alternative. Closed. There are many popular Open Source LLMs: Falcon 40B, Guanaco 65B, LLaMA and Vicuna. May 2, 2023 · When I activate API in interface mode and click restart, i get port in use. You can disable this in Notebook settings Not sure if I missed this somewhere but if so please just point me in the right spot. Think maybe This notebook is open with private outputs. Mar 12, 2023 · Simply open "CMD_FLAGS. Use together with public-api option. Once set up, you can load large language models for text-based interaction. --extensions whisper_stt superboogav2 coqui_tts Training_PRO FPreloader LucidWebSearch sd_api_pictures At least for me, oob is finally capable enough to do exactly what I want. Explore this online oobabooga/text-generation-webui sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. This image will be used as the profile picture for any bots that don't have one. One to generate text and one to return name of currently selected model. Personally im still figuring out to get decent responses but basically when it's being used in api your setting up and resending who the ai is acting like Apr 21, 2023 · The documentation in this link needs improvements, because even though the "The parameters are self-documenting and good defaults are included. You can use it as a template to jumpstart your development with this pre-built solution. Jul 2, 2023 · I was working on an IRC bot and wanted to use Oobabooga to generate the messages. model , tokenizer_config. md in the extension directory. I have been unsuccessful in making the code that connects to the API work as I keep receiving connection errors telling me that there is no listener on the specified port May 29, 2023 · apiURL是用来填写你的oobabooga的api地址的。想要开启oobabooga的api,请看楼上。 用户使用逻辑如下: 首先我们先试用oob. Oobabooga (LLM webui) 8min. 1 Runpod with API enabled. google_translate: Automatically translates inputs and outputs using Google Translate. Useful for launching the API in I would try running the Oobabooga with "--chat" option. Dec 4, 2023 · zencyonon Dec 4, 2023. example . The Twilio Docs use the same, two-panel style as the Stripe API Reference (which we’re a fan of). I've had similar issue some time ago (haven't used the UI for some time) and I had to change one line of code to fix this, but now it seems to be controlled by this option (haven't tested it tho). --nowebui: Do not launch the Gradio UI. I have ensured the port (5000) is not in use before I run this config but still get it. I hacked together the example API script into something that acts a bit more like a chat in a command line. 5. This document will guide you through the various settings and usage patterns. tm jz ud pp hh em vy ai on pf