My family abandoned me when i was 21 reddit

My family abandoned me when i was 21 reddit. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through My family has abandoned me. Ok_Independence_579. My dad gave me an handshake and i got in. My sister is a clone of my father. I've told the tale of my toxic mother and how she has responded to everything I have ever told her. For some background, I went to this concert with Mia (sister 20F), Zach (brother 16M), and Kyle (sister’s boyfriend 22M) this concert was 4 days and we had only planned on going for the first 3. Now I Now, this is a lot for me. This all happened yesterday and the wound is still pretty fresh. Their dad was really vindictive and did everything he could to keep my mom from having them, but eventually he lost them to the system. I went through so many years alone struggling to even buy food. I know I'll need to verify if those claims are real. Everyone abandons me. I am sitting in my RV outside a cafe with free internet access typing this. ++ The sub will remain private for at least 48hr from 0000UTC on 12th June 2023. She started to scream at me, she asked if i knew how much i hurted her and our parents, if i had any idea how many nights mom cried during these last 10 years because of how much she missed me. ago. I have gone over this so many times in my head- But I figured, writing this out could help me clarify the thoughts in my head. I (32f) have 3 sisters and a brother. She feels a lot of guilt and really has tried to do everything she can to make it up to me and my siblings. Now I feel completely alienated from everyone and I'm not sure what to feel. keep your fucking mouth shut and stay in your lane girly. When I was 14-15 I toed a very strong line on being an atheist. I rang the door and my mom opened it. Aug 21, 2023 · Take action. Given that I was raised by my father, a pathological narcissist and emotional abuser, until I was 15, a grown man screaming in my face basically shut down the rational part of my brain. I haven’t seen my biological dad since I was about 6/7 and I do not remember him fondly, there is a lot of heartache and unfinished business between us (on my end at least) and he was very unkind to me when I was a child. My wife Mary’s family has a history of dementia, developing memory issues in their mid to late 50s. And you need to ask yourself: am I genuinely me? Is my love conditional? Conditional love is not love at all. I hardly have any friends and I have no friends closer than acquaintance. Update: My family wants to reconect after 6 years. Posted by u/sbrnst - 4 votes and 4 comments This subreddit has gone dark as part of a mass protest against Reddit's recent API changes, which break third-party apps and moderation tools. Reach out to friends, family, and community for support, and yes, by all means get the ball rolling on divorce!! What you do is hire a lawyer and get the court to award you 100 percent custody and your husband to start paying support. I could never hurt them the way they have hurt me, even after everything that's happened. He too abandoned me right after i was born. I feel so sad everyday. She bought me a My husband abandoned me and I’m pregnant. It had been years since she was able to hold down a job. In that time, we had a beautiful child. superwholockian62. Tell them to fuck off. Even if no one reads this or if people make light out of it. Something like “My parents didn’t have enough money to send me to the school I wanted, but I thought I could make it work. I feel like after what happened I just need to lay it all out. Mobile, apologies. That battle cost me dearly for many years. My dad abandoned me to look for a new wife after my mom died when I was 10. My 3 boys were angry at me, the list could go on. My granddad (back in the 50s and 60s) was a high school football coach in Pennsylvania. I expected her to send ALL the flying monkeys, to visit me unannounced, to send a billion emails and letters and call me. I’m 31, male. I still struggle sometimes, but looking back, whenever I've decided to take care of me, it's always been worth it. But she did a lot of emotional damage on my brother and I. My sister maintains that she really wants to see me and that she's so sorry and that my father made her do it, but she's still with him. I posted on here a while ago about my Stepfather, and told my story of him molesting me. Her mom lived with us for four years until earlier this year (father is dead). I feel like I'm missing some social que or something that might explain why no one from my blood family even bothered to show up. I didn’t decide all at once to do it, didn’t have a big blow out or major event. I (17m) turn 18 in 2 weeks and I’m getting the fuck out of here as soon as the clock strikes midnight. I feel like I constantly grate on the nerves of everyone else, both with being an annoying loser with no hobbies and being a total downer. One of his players came to him after one day after practice he came home and the entire house was sold and all the belongings were gone. My das has anger issues, he is never physically abusive but he yells. In hindsight and to give her the benefit of the doubt she was dealing with her own major mental health struggles, I remember witnessing her anxiety and infrequent panic attacks from a young age. I called the cops and my mom literally abandoned me after that. I am honestly so grateful for all the support, advice, beautiful messages and awards you guys have gifted. Many cancer doctors and nurses even receive training it. ++ We look forward to seeing you later, and thank you for your understanding. He would pop up once every 5 years and act like super dad. My family abandoned me in my time of need and I low key hate them for it. He always said he couldn't take me in or help with extra money because he had a new family that need his attention. When I (23m) was 18 I found out my mom was messaging with someone online who lived in another state. Posted by u/CocaaX - 1 vote and 1 comment I wasn’t ready for the storm that was about to hit me. I used to work in tech and real estate which has allowed me to semi retire comfortably and allow my wife to quit her job and spend her day doing the things that interest her. ( I do not have a good relationship with my family. You were a vulnerable child who was groomed and abused by an adult. So i arrived at my parent's saturday morning. What ensued was three months of sheer hell wherein he claimed to be "trying" to fix our marriage but was actually texting another woman and just going through the The brief synopsis of the story is that my Mum left our family to live with some dude she worked with when my twin brother and I were 14. Never wanted to be a Dad thanks to a pretty crummy upbringing. A few weeks ago I had a procedure fixing a stricture in my left kidney, long story short a artery burst shortly after surgery causing me to loose massive amounts of blood internally. Me and my wife had a fight and she said something about my daughter not being mine I kept a straight face but after she realized what she said she left and went to bed. AITA For not helping out my family financially met even if it won’t affect me. They all live together. He left my family on welfare when I was 13 or 14, haven't spoken to him via phone or in person since, only exchange facebook messages every once in a while. To make fake updates about someone desperately needing help. If he’d tell them at some point I’d probably preempt him. My dad has PTSD, he served in a Croatian war, and my mom has a narcissistic personality disorder. My parents have extreme bias towards my younger brothers (16 and 15m). me and my gf haven’t been together for very long, but something in us just clicked so well for us. Mum divorced him for serious reasons she never divulged. I Abandoned my family because my daughter knew about my wife affair for money. Basically I’d make my decision on what I think my husband would do. I think of getting over it as forcing myself to not give a shit about the stuff he put me and my family through. My mom who abandoned me is trying to get back into my life after 10+ years. Money was always tight (mental ilness treatment is very expeny in my country). Man!!!! This is my life right now. I’ve always been the one who had to do all the chores in the house. My ex boyfriend filmed us when doing the deed and I got mad at first but he said he just wanted to keep it for memories, just for his pleasure because of how much he ADMIN MOD. One day my n/father just decided he didn’t want them around anymore, so after browbeating my n/mother, she forced me to ride the bus with her to the “better part of town”, and dump my cats (which she had stuffed in a tote bag) with the promise that “someone will adopt them”. Trigger Warnings: mentions of dementia, infidelity, financial abuse, emotional abuse, theft. My mom had not had any contact with her either. My parents abandoned me at 4 and now they want me back. His family was no where to be seen. My friend made a post thanking me and my boss And my family saw it and it started a stream of calls and messages from my family. He started a new family and would sometimes “let them visit” in his large house where his sons had everything they wanted, including gaming consoles and tvs in their rooms. I spent my childhood cursing them for having abandoned me, hating myself for not even being wanted by my family. Be happy he doesn't want to co-parent, but get the money needed to raise your kids. So I’ve been POMO for the over 2 years now, and I moved out about a year ago. My sister had effectively disowned everyone in the family. i really never thought i would make it this far but by the grace of god i was the only one in my family to graduate from highschool. And then my family decided to stop talking to us. 4 month uppdate: I abandoned my family and I am ok with it. My grandma tried to contact my father to ask for help with me because it was really tough for me to see my mother in the state she was in. I’ve seen my dad a couple times when pan handling but My eldest sister is 9 years older than me, and the other 2 sisters are 7 and 8 years older than me (and effectively have been as close as real twins growing up). Non-Romantic. - It started when I was 21/22 where she wanted to get me gifts for my birthday. Makes me feel relieved she’s about to cry every day and suffer exactly Like i Did. I took blood and my family abandoned me. My older bio sis moved south (about 3 hours away) and has her family there. I wish I could personally thank each and everyone of you, and I did try my best to reply to every message. So I just recently turned 30. However, even if true, meeting them is not something I want to do. Although women can also abandon their partners, the majority of women tend to stick around and become caregivers for their partners and children. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. There’s a certain guilt that kids tend to feel, as if it was their own fault or they weren’t good enough for their dad to want to stay. I am however a different person now, i have a hard time trusting people. Firstly thank you! I still get a lot of support via PM from here. Put your religion in a box for a few years. Two days ago, i was with my wife and my children shopping when i heard my name. I have no idea why. For my dad's 70th, my sisters were writing a speech of funny anecdotes about our Dad, and one suggested I tell the 'bull ant story'. Wow guys, I don't even know where to begin. A month later I found out that my one of my hips was being pulled higher than the other. I've had the Indian side of the family give me shit for dating non-Indians. She said she was busy and would return my call later. Mom: She is your sister do you have no respect for family. She never did. Thank you for taking the time to respond! I think that’s the issue I’m having, I’m not sure what I want- a part of me wants to tell him to go to hell but another part understands that it’s almost been 30 years and I highly doubt he’s the same person he was married to my mother and there is also a morbid sense of curiosity. I tried to unalive myself and ended up in a mental ward for a few days. To My Family Who Has Abandoned Me. they don’t know my favorite shows or movies, my favorite drinks or places to go for fun, they don’t know Wow, you are a prayer warrior& Good lady. My sister was diagnosed with multiple autoimmune conditions and needed ADMIN. I put up with literal torture for them, and they threw me away and then told my family I was garbage so they would stop loving me too. It touched damn near everything and everyone in my path. Immediately, John began yelling at me for accusing him of doing something he didn't, and then demanded more information. I'm mixed, partially Indian. One day in 2019, I drove away from my parents house and never spoke to them again. My parents threw me out when I was 15, and I have been on my own ever since. We had been married for 10 years and we have a daughter who is 9f going on 10. I get a text from my cousin who I haven’t spoken to in months stating that. They eventually remarried, but they hate each other. : r/lonely. He lied to my cousins mom telling her he payed for my prom ( I didn’t even go to my prom ) and he payed my senior dues ect. UPDATE I ghosted my family and fiance after what my sister did. eleven_eggos_friend. I told them they’ve been selfish. My dad doesn’t know anything about me My (M50) wife (F48) abandoned me two months ago to find herself. Admittedly we do fight a lot and he says he wants to They also abandon their families after a child is diagnosed with an illness (even something like autism). I told both my parents they are the ones that abandoned me. My family grew tired of a never-ending series of drama. 26. But now she keeps talking about moving in with me (and ADMIN MOD. Everything became about them. I feel like my whole family abandoned me. You're worth taking care of. I don’t understand this pattern. My sister wasn't much better then my parents. They gave my sister even more shit for dating a white guy. My husband is not a local and he is not in the same country as me. I’m 21 and I don’t speak to him and he texts me ONLY on holidays like nothing ever happened. I go through one traumatic event after another, and after each one I’ve had less and less people to support me and by last year after being abandoned by the person closest to My father abandoned me at 15 and still blames me to this day. For this story I’ll need to go back in time. I (17F) have lived with my aunt (49F) and my uncle (52M) since my mother (39F) and my father (48M) left me there once I was 4. I asked if he did something, but my sister said, “It’s my baby, and if I want his father in his life, I would allow it, but I don’t; it’s my baby. I was 20 when my daughter was born. . My siblings grew up in foster care in a very Family abandoned me. John 3:16. I will keep this as short as possible but basically I'm a 43M, I got my childhood sweet heart 43F pregnant and had my daughter 25F, she was considered a miracle child because the pregnancy was that difficult for my wife that she was never able to have kids ADMIN MOD. I (F23) have an interesting relationship with my family. Edit 3: thank you for all the wonderfully kind words. I'm 25F and I found out that my I had a bulging disc at the start of the pandemic before we first went into quarantine. Woah, i would have never thought of considering myself cowardly for not wanting to meet my father. ”. I am 37m and my wife is 39f. 1. I have gotten a lot of therapy and i am fairly stable. I (22M) was recently left at a concert by my family. I am 31 years old and my father abandoned me 22 years ago. Additionally, it became clear that John Weird-Fix-7267. “hey girly, i'm sorry that you're so lonely at college that you feel the need to talk shit abt me to grown ass adults, not a cute look babe. I turned around to see who it was and it was my sister(42F). Intentionally vague for the sake of anonymity and because I don't like talking about it. . Living about 4 1/2 hours away from home, friends, family, and everything familiar. My step-sisters live together and also moved down south (about 4 hours away). My poor wife suffered the most. It will keep just fine and you will be better off for it. Her mom, grandmother and several other relatives on her Life’s crazy and karmas real. My dad abandoned me but now he wants me to help his new family out. What they thought was a cute story was on fact me sitting on a bull ants nest when I was a kid, and naturally screaming, because bull ants, so my dad told me off for making a fuss. ” So, I just told her, “Okay,” and me and my family supported her, and she gave birth to a boy who is now seven years old. I’m a 21 year old female, I’ve been searching for job and living with my parents until my s3x tape got released. My siblings were 11 and 9. • 3 yr. Me: Respect seriously Me: You kicked me out when I was 16 Mom: Dax that was a long time ago and we are talking about your sister not me Me: Yeah my sister the one who calls me her faggot brother when I'm not around Me: I am not getting her a dress from work and that final My heart goes out to you. My wife and I had gotten married in 2020, but had been together for 6 years. CPS placed me with a couple who I call Aunt & Uncle. My daughter is doing well. I've always been the focused and direct one—some might call it "bitchy," and honestly, I won't argue. May God always grant you his abundant peace, love & grace. At first I thought that was awesome I got the whole house to myself for a week. Now all the memories I have throughout my life are tainted by the pain I feel, my entire life is one bad joke. My husband and his sister didn’t even have food on the table every day. Surrounding yourself with close friends and family that you trust is the safest and most realistic way to cope with abandonment. Nobody was exempt from my drinking. So, it was weird to me that she didn’t want to tell him about it. You guys are amazing. What you went thru was not easy but you certainly picked the narrow path. After4yearsthey. My (20 F) husband has left the house and says he wants to separate. We actually never got along even before I was kicked out. I've gone to aunts and friends and mentors, looking for some kind of comfort and resolve to my trauma. No one can come to the Father except through me. I expected EVERYTHING. I commend you, my engagement broke & I was broken, I can't even imagine what you went thru. I always felt like I didn't really belong, and I've been through a lot of struggles with my family and my mother who's bipolar as well. my family don’t even know my favorite food, they don’t know that i love painting and that one day i want to do commission murals for different cities. I feel abandoned by my family. I'm Pregnant and My Family Abandoned Me--Was I the A? So, picture this: I'm heavily pregnant and not exactly the "warm and cuddly" type. [Rant/Vent] Hi there, I've been NC with my Cluster-B-mom for 5 months now. Original Post - Oct 27, 2023. it hurts so bad. They thought they were too old to be my parents. I was born an only child up until my little sister Evie (15F) was born. My mom had my 3 older siblings when she was super young (3 kids by 19), the brother I’m referring to being the youngest of the 3. His family rejected me is because I was born different and because I had a little bit of autism. When I was in my mid teens my brothers told my parents they thought I might be gay and they sent me to Same-Blackberry7135. My ex is childfree and has never wanted kids. Wife abandoned me, child, entire life in the worst way possible. ADMIN MOD. I can only say for me my life is better because I am truly me. While I’m wondering about her everyday and I have no answers. Not the A-hole. AITA for abandoning my family. Edit : actually even better drive them to a random hospital and fucking abandon them. We regret them not adopting me. 21 votes, 27 comments. I abandoned my family and I am ok with it. It was like a prison for her. My brother lives close by but kinda sucks at keeping in touch. So I am 19, female, and I am a middle child (you already know where this is going); anyways, I have 4 siblings, so there is five of us in total. Her mom, grandmother and several other relatives on her mom’s side have developed dementia. In mid 2016, shortly before my own wedding, my mom let me know my sister had finally reached out. From Massachusetts. Like everyone. She was addicted to heroine for five years and then sobered up. His situation was a little more complicated, enough that even the lying, while very wrong, was at least understandable. When we were younger my eldest sister (let's call her 1) was a bully, which she completely acknowledges now and calls herself a bitch as to how she was. I did get a chance to meet him on New Years 2000, he legitimately thought Y2K was the end of the world and just showed up at the party my family was attending. true. There was no argument whatsoever when he suddenly stopped responding to my texts and declined my calls. I got better for the most part in August 2020. A few people have asked me for a update so here it is. I grew up the youngest child of a very conservative religious household. Paul said , when we are weak, we are strong. That is very common and in the instance of him abandoning you for three years and not paying you anything for the upkeep of the home and not paying child support for the care of the children it is very likely that the judge will order him to pay for your attorney fees and court costs. He came home one day and out of the blue announced he was done with me and our marriage. Nothing happened. I sit alone. A little background: My family moved to the US from China to seek a better life and we have found it here. I mourn the family I thought I had, the family that I thought would always have my back. [Rant/Vent] My (20F) parents (48F, 48M) divorced practically the moment I was born (my mother 'forgot' to take birth control and got pregnant, my father didn't want a child then). My (M50) wife (F48) abandoned me two months go to find herself. It’s not just remembering him. For context, this story will mainly involve mom (F57), sister (F30) and dad (M58). I also have always been forced Cranberry-Freya3651. Unfortunately, in hindsight, she may not have been ready for this step. I live with my wife. My dad says this is just part of life-you put your spouse first. Like I’m broke as fuck because medical bills are fucking expensive, I can’t work and my SSDI hasn’t gone through (I was actually denied the first time so I have to Edit2: To the ppl saying that he abandoned me because I had the abortion - he did NOT want to be a father. I left the faith about 2 years ago and my marriage struggles. You should progressively take steps to get close to those individuals on your own or with the aid of a competent counselor or a mental health professional and rely on them for increasingly important items My husband’s dad is a real piece of work and abandoned him and his sister. I’m in my second trimester. It’s been like this forever. She started crying and hugged me, it was a bit awkard for me. Hello Reddit this a a throwaway account. My parents abandoned me after seeing my s3x tape. Then they dropped the bomb on me – since I’m my pregnant sister’s only sibling they’re putting me and husband as the child’s guardian in their will once it’s born. They left you alone with a baby in an abusive relationship at 16 years old. One friend in particular hits really hard. I got falsely accused and now feel betrayed and abandoned. My dad doesn’t know anything about me or what I Feel Like God Has Abandoned Me. Dude that entirely reminds me of a story my dad told me about my grandfather. She was supposed to stay for week. I just came from that, and can’t get over how shitty it was. My family has a "why can't you just be happy" ideology even I had a mental breakdown a few months ago and I feel like all of the people I felt were my friends abandoned me. Mom abandoned family and we abandoned her back. I (23f) was adopted when I was 8 by AM (45f) & AD (43m), after they had my brother AB and sister (16m, 20f). My family abandoned me (22M) at a concert with no phone, wallet or shoes. To make a long story short, my mom abandoned me and my two younger siblings when I was 14. My parents were with me during my recovery My family sometimes do that as well. My husband abandoned me 50 days after our wedding. Especially if they know he abandoned them. They say I’m ungrateful and my husbands relationship with his family is weird and not normal and I’m comparing them to his family. A place to get personal things off your chest. I (19)F never had my dad (39)M in my life. It was kinda funny. What you needed was your family’s support to get out of that situation and instead they pushed you further into it. John 14:16. Lastly, he blocked me. My family sucks. I spent years in therapy to learn to stop hating myself. And I'm even more hurt now that I know they lied about me. The op himself said he didn’t want to post more updates. Let me offer what may be a somewhat unpopular opinion. I knew I couldn't survive up there on my own. My stepdad physically abused me when I was 16. Wife 36F and Me 37M and Daughter 13F. When things took a turn for the worse in the relationship, I bailed. My dad is almost 65 years old and he just blocked me on WhatsApp, and he moved to a different country, he got married and he is still in contact with two of my siblings. My entire family extended family on my mom's side pretended like it was normal. Now that my mom's no longer using me for child support checks and tax write offs (Which she claimed until I was 18, despite me not even being in her life), I guess she's starting to realize "Oh sh** I have a son" and wants to get back into my life. I have no contact with his family, only his mother knows about me. I abandoned my family a little over a week after D-day. I abandoned my entire family. My [26 M] family disowned me, now want to reconnect. Living in the Caribbean for the past five years, my family back in the US is Hi, so this is my first time writing, and being here. He would pay for anything and everything so he wouldn’t have to parent me himself. My STBX husband abandoned me emotionally six months ago and physically three months ago. I feel so much for you because family is so important. They never knew which me would show up. My mother met my father and after 8 years of lovey dovey they had me. Quite frankly, in my experience at least there's not much you can do to convince them other than to just ignore their attitudes towards your depression, help yourself by continuing your therapy or counselling, it will help you keep some aspect of interaction (conversation definitely helps). He pushed me to get the abortion. Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. St. I'll give some context first as the situation spans almost 2 decades. And not a single family member came to see me, when 10 years ago I was the first responder to my grandma's heart attack, and my family members flew to see her in the hospital. com/playlist?list=PL4qCR1644UR0Z4S8QKTe0MYZFVaNXuAUY podcast reddit real estate, finance, investing, stocks, reddit storytime My family has never been close. 2 of those are step-sisters. It has brought me to tears. One day she decided to fly over there and meet him. I would rather just walk away and never see them again They abandoned me because they don’t care ever since I was young my dad wanted to kick me out and he did soon as I turned 18 my grandma let me stay with her until her husband forced her to kick me out and now my family is basically out of my life and they don’t even contact me anymore. Ausaria. Luckily I got to go away to college, but my brother had to stay home with her. 😈 NEXT STORY - https://youtube. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. No one could be expected to cope with that. I'm known him for a long time and I was I don’t understand why and I have so many questions and I wonder how my life would be if she wouldn’t have abandoned me or if she thinks about me sometimes or if she erased me of her memory and maybe even have a new family and doesn’t give a fuck about me. My mom totalled 2 cars in that time, and luckily didn't hurt anyone, or herself. However, my mom didn’t enjoy the US and divorced my dad to move back to China where my dad took custody of me while my mom received the house in China that my The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Actually I was never invited. I feel so much emotions. He says that while we would be good at co-parenting, he doesn’t believe this marriage is sustainable because apparently we’re not compatible. AM actively favored AS or AB over me, compared the three of us, & treated Ok so, my friend recommended I ask here on reddit for some advice, pardon my english it's not my first language and I don't use this site so I don't Not to mention, they may not have memories of him specifically, but will always feel the dad-shaped void. My parent kicked me out when I was 16 after I came out to them. I didn't see a therapist until I was 26, and I'm about to be 34 in a couple of weeks. I wish I had gone a lot sooner. wg gy xm vz ti rr ab td nz jv